I will keep trying to download hoping that congestion is to blame.

I came into this today expecting errors, but nothing like this. Today, I have spent about 15hrs trying every work around I could find to download patch. I also have Verizon and have this issue I wonder if it's on their end? Have you found a fix to your problem? Patch Error Didn't have a single error for phase 3, and 4 with patch. of 2 First 1 2 Jump to page: Results 11 to 16 of Thread: Error. The Square Enix terms of use, privacy policy and cookies policy can also be found through links at the bottom of the page. Your use of the website is also subject to the terms in the Square Enix website terms of use and privacy policy and by using the website you are accepting those terms. Please read the Square Enix cookies policy for more information. If you do not wish us to set cookies on your device, please do not use the website.